Ukrainian Language Education Network: A Case of Engaged Scholarship


  • Allan Nedashkivska
  • Olenka Bilash



Engaged scholarship, university-community engagement, purposes, processes, products, Ukrainian Language Education Centre (ULEC), ethnic community


The study explores one longitudinal case of engaged scholarship, the collaborative practices in the Ukrainian language educational network from the 1970s to the present. The focus is on the Ukrainian Language Education Centre (ULEC) at the University of Alberta, which over almost four decades has worked with the community in the development of Ukrainian education by keeping approaches to language learning and its use on the cutting edge of practice. Over the years, ULEC engaged with the community seeking to respond to the community’s needs. Past and present practices of ULEC and its partners are studied through the prism of the engaged scholarship framework (Boyer, 1996; Barker, 2004; Sandmann 2008, 2009). These practices are analyzed through three strands of engagement: purposes, processes, and products, which are defined, explored, and discussed. The study also describes engaged scholarship projects related to Ukrainian language education currently being conducted by ULEC, with a focus on collaboration with communities in the production of knowledge and their potential for strengthening a network of reciprocity. 





How to Cite

Nedashkivska, A., & Bilash, O. (2015). Ukrainian Language Education Network: A Case of Engaged Scholarship. Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning, 1(1).