Coming Home: A Journey Through the Trans-Systematic Knowledge Systems


  • Sakej Henderson College of law, U of Sask
  • Leroy Little Bear



Indigenous Knowledge, Native Science and Eurocentric Social Science and Humanities


In the Exchanges, we present conversations with scholars and practitioners of community engagement, responses to previously published material, and other reflections on various aspects of community-engaged scholarship meant to provoke further dialogue and discussion. In this section, we invite our readers to offer their thoughts and ideas on the meanings and understandings of engaged scholarship, as practiced in local or faraway communities, diverse cultural settings, and in various disciplinary contexts. We especially welcome community-based scholars’ views and opinions on their collaborations with university-based partners in particular and engaged scholarship in general. 

In this issue, we present a discussion between Sa’ke’j James Youngblood Henderson and Dr. Leroy Little Bear from November 2020. 



How to Cite

Henderson, S., & Little Bear, L. (2021). Coming Home: A Journey Through the Trans-Systematic Knowledge Systems. Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning, 7(1), 205–216.