Teaching Activism: Reflections on Developing “Leaders of Tomorrow” through Activist Approaches to Community Service-Learning


  • Brad Wuetherick




leadership studies, teaching leadership, community service-learning, activist pedagogies


“Educating leaders of tomorrow” is a common refrain for many in higher education around the world, but what does it mean to educate leaders of tomorrow? What would a curriculum designed to educate leaders look like across disciplines? This article explores leadership, conceptualized as the capacities (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) required for students to act as positive change agents in society, as an attribute we aim to develop in all students. It also calls on educators to consider how community service-learning grounded in activist pedagogies might provide exceptional opportunities to develop students’ capacities to be leaders across the disciplines.



How to Cite

Wuetherick, B. (2018). Teaching Activism: Reflections on Developing “Leaders of Tomorrow” through Activist Approaches to Community Service-Learning. Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning, 4(1), 107–121. https://doi.org/10.15402/esj.v4i1.312