
  • Call for Papers: Special Issue on the Future of Engaged Scholarship (Volume 11, Issue 1)


    As we approach the tenth anniversary of the journal, we are hosting a special issue to critically reflect on the future of engaged scholarship, considering how far (or not) the journal and the broader body of engaged scholarship have come. As a community, let’s capture and explore the victories or societal changes we have celebrated or are aiming to celebrate. Let’s describe the challenges and opportunities we currently face, and let’s figure out where we go from here.   

    If engaged scholarship and the Engaged Scholar Journal in particular have aimed to counter the wasted lives (Bauman, 2003), the wasted talents, knowledges, and voices of those marginalized by or actively excluded from economic modernity and the destructive triad of colonialism, capitalism, and constructions of race, have they gone far enough? How might they more effectively decolonize methodologies (Smith, 1999/2013) and respect, honour, and learn from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, constitutionalized Aboriginal and treaty rights, and the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report (see Battiste & Henderson (ed), special issue of the Engaged Scholar Journal, 7 (1) [2021]).

    Read more about Call for Papers: Special Issue on the Future of Engaged Scholarship (Volume 11, Issue 1)
  • CALL FOR PAPERS Issue 24 (Volume 10, Issue 3 2024)


    Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching and Learning is Canada’s online open-access, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal committed to profiling best practices in ‘engaged scholarship’ informed by community-academic partnerships in research, teaching and learning. The Journal occasionally publishes hard copies of its issues as well.

    Our Mission is to promote and support reciprocal and meaningful co-creation of knowledge among scholars, educators, professionals and community leaders, in Canada and worldwide; to inspire and promote productive dialogue between practice and theory of engaged scholarship; to critically reflect on engaged scholarship, research, and pedagogy pursued by various university and community partners, working locally, nationally and internationally, across various academic disciplines and areas of application; to serve as a forum of constructive debate on the meanings and applications of engaged scholarship among partners and communities

    Engaged scholarship most commonly refers to a range of collaborative research, teaching, and learning  initiatives rooted in sustained community-university partnerships and pursued across various disciplines and social and cultural contexts. Community engaged research is oftentimes understood to be community informed, situated as well as action-oriented such that the research process and results are useful to community members in making positive societal changes.


    Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS Issue 24 (Volume 10, Issue 3 2024)
  • Extended Call for Papers for Volume 10 Issue 1


    We seek previously unpublished original reflective essays and research articles, review articles, reports from the field, testimonies, multimedia contributions and book reviews focusing on community-engaged scholarship. We welcome contributions from community and academic partners, educators, researchers and scholars who pursue their work in collaboration with various communities in Canada and the world.


    Read more about Extended Call for Papers for Volume 10 Issue 1
  • Call for Papers for 2024


    We seek previously unpublished original reflective essays and research articles, review articles, reports from the field, testimonies, multimedia contributions and book reviews focusing on community-engaged scholarship. We welcome contributions from community and academic partners, educators, researchers and scholars who pursue their work in collaboration with various communities in Canada and the world.


    Read more about Call for Papers for 2024
  • Call for Papers for ESJ's Spring 2023 Special Issue on Climate Change and Care Extended to September 15, 2022


    For our Spring 2023 thematic issue on Climate Change and Care, we seek submissions from community- and university-based researchers, scholars, and/or Elders, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, who are engaged in research, study or active exploration of applied methods or approaches that advance an understanding and appreciation of Climate Change and Care. Emphasizing the strengthening of deep collaboration-building practices in teaching, learning and research, we invite previously unpublished research articles, reports from the field, multimedia contributions and book reviews for our thematic issue. All submissions will undergo either editorial or peer review. Submissions for the Essays Section of the Journal will be subject to double, blind peer review, submissions to other Journal sections will undergo editorial review.


    Read more about Call for Papers for ESJ's Spring 2023 Special Issue on Climate Change and Care Extended to September 15, 2022
  • Call for Papers for Winter 2023


    We seek previously unpublished original reflective essays and research articles, review articles, reports from the field, testimonies, multimedia contributions and book reviews focusing on community-engaged scholarship. We welcome contributions from community and academic partners, educators, researchers and scholars who pursue their work in collaboration with various communities in Canada and the world.


    Read more about Call for Papers for Winter 2023
  • Call for Papers for ESJ's Spring 2023 Special Issue on Climate Change and Care


    For our Spring 2023 thematic issue on Climate Change and Care, we seek submissions from community- and university-based researchers, scholars, and/or Elders, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, who are engaged in research, study or active exploration of applied methods or approaches that advance an understanding and appreciation of Climate Change and Care. Emphasizing the strengthening of deep collaboration-building practices in teaching, learning and research, we invite previously unpublished research articles, reports from the field, multimedia contributions and book reviews for our thematic issue. All submissions will undergo either editorial or peer review. Submissions for the Essays Section of the Journal will be subject to double, blind peer review, submissions to other Journal sections will undergo editorial review.

    Read more about Call for Papers for ESJ's Spring 2023 Special Issue on Climate Change and Care
  • Call for Papers for ESJ's Fall 2022 Issue


    We seek previously unpublished original reflective essays and research articles, review articles, reports from the field, testimonies, multimedia contributions and book reviews focusing on community-engaged scholarship. We welcome contributions from community and academic partners, educators, researchers and scholars who pursue their work in collaboration with various communities in Canada and the world.

    Please submit your contribution through the Journal's website. 

    Deadline for all contributions: July 30, 2022

    Projected date of publication: Fall 2022

    For submission guidelines consult, or talk to us at the Journal.


    Read more about Call for Papers for ESJ's Fall 2022 Issue


    For our Spring 2022 special issue on Feminisms Challenging Exceptionalist Imaginaries, we seek submissions from community- and university-based researchers and scholars who actively engage with communities (of all kinds) in practicing intersectional feminist research, teaching and learning. Emphasizing the integration of deep collaboration-building practices into teaching, learning and research, we invite previously unpublished research articles, reports from the field, multimedia contributions and book reviews for our special issue that challenges exceptionalist imaginaries through active positioning of critical feminist community engagements, building on research and teaching that explores various topics.

    Read more about Call for Papers for ENGAGING FEMINISMS: CHALLENGING EXCEPTIONALIST IMAGINARIES Extended to June 15, 2021
  • Call for Papers for Fall 2021 Issue - Deadline of Submission Extended


    We seek previously unpublished original reflective essays and research articles, review articles, reports from the field, testimonies, multimedia contributions and book reviews focusing on community-engaged scholarship. We welcome contributions from community and academic partners, educators, researchers scholars who pursue their work in collaboration with various communities in Canada and the world.

    Submit your materials online, via the Journal’s website.

    We will be happy to address any questions pertaining to this call for paper. We can be reached at

    Deadline for all contributions: March 15, 2021

    Projected date of publication: Fall 2021

    Click here for submission guidelines consult  or get in touch with us at 

      Read more about Call for Papers for Fall 2021 Issue - Deadline of Submission Extended
  • Just Released: Engaged Scholarship & the Arts


    Check out our Spring 2019 special issue on Engaged Scholarship & the Arts. It highlights examples of engaging people and their communities through the arts; walking along streets and places to spark critical dialogue (e.g., to museums, artists’ studios, public art or graffiti in the built environment); embracing the roles of an artist, a researcher, an educator, an activist, a community-builder and a leader through arts-based research; and pursuing teaching through the arts. Creative processes were drawn from literary forms, performance, visual, new media, folk art, and popular art forms, poetry (including spoken word), theatre, quilting, storytelling (including Métissage), dance, video, Indigenous arts, music, collage, installation, and other creative or exploratory group processes.


    Read more about Just Released: Engaged Scholarship & the Arts