Housing Security and Engaged Scholarship


Call for Papers: Special Issue on the Future of Engaged Scholarship (Volume 11, Issue 1)


As we approach the tenth anniversary of the journal, we are hosting a special issue to critically reflect on the future of engaged scholarship, considering how far (or not) the journal and the broader body of engaged scholarship have come. As a community, let’s capture and explore the victories or societal changes we have celebrated or are aiming to celebrate. Let’s describe the challenges and opportunities we currently face, and let’s figure out where we go from here.   

If engaged scholarship and the Engaged Scholar Journal in particular have aimed to counter the wasted lives (Bauman, 2003), the wasted talents, knowledges, and voices of those marginalized by or actively excluded from economic modernity and the destructive triad of colonialism, capitalism, and constructions of race, have they gone far enough? How might they more effectively decolonize methodologies (Smith, 1999/2013) and respect, honour, and learn from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, constitutionalized Aboriginal and treaty rights, and the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report (see Battiste & Henderson (ed), special issue of the Engaged Scholar Journal, 7 (1) [2021]).

Read more about Call for Papers: Special Issue on the Future of Engaged Scholarship (Volume 11, Issue 1)

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): Engaged Scholarship and Housing Security
					View Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): Engaged Scholarship and Housing Security

In this special issue on Engaged Scholarship and Housing Security, we share the insights of emergent approaches, digital tools, advocate-scholars, and community champions doing the hard work. We recognize, support, and highlight research and researchers of all types who are using engaged scholarship, community-based approaches, and/or community-driven and managed research and activities around housing security, including those using diverse and multiple ways of knowing about housing security. 

Published: 2024-08-21

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